
It’s definitely a Monday

We’ve had some winter weather here this past weekend and last night, it drizzled ice. I had a vet appointment for my dogs this morning. They have this metal platform that covers a sidewalk drain.

‘Walking’ my 2 dogs over this ice covered metal platform into the vet and I’m out loud telling them “don’t make me fall on this grate” (said as they both are legit pulling me like a team of bobsled dogs). I drop them off and as I’m walking out I notice a pretty girl getting a kennel of cats out of the hatchback of her car. What happened next, you ask? In all my glory, I bust my ass on the metal platform. I get up and say “well you should definitely be careful there” and walk off as she gives an awkward, self-manufactured chuckle (and even more awkward look).

This represents basically my entire life, in a nutshell.